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Our Partners

AI-Readiness partners with a carefully curated selection of high caliber companies. These strategic alliances enable us to tailor our solutions to each client's unique needs, ensuring a solid and effective approach that delivers exceptional results. With our esteemed network of partners, we guarantee a comprehensive and personalized consulting experience.

Philico is a consulting firm focussing on the financial services industry. Our mission is to create value for our clients along the IT project life cycle by providing specialized services.

Our services are distinguished through experienced and highly specialized consultants. Our people combine business analysis, technical skills and project management capacity on your IT project.

SNFI aims to sustainably promote the future & transformation capability of the financial industry. The exponential progress in the digital economy requires all companies to change their business models and the way they work together. SNFI experts are researching trends & design impulses for future-proof business models so that the core challenges on the path to NextGen Finance can be successfully overcome.

The guiding principles of research at the SNFI are as follows:

  • It focuses on the relevant topics for the future viability of financial intermediation.
  • It looks from the future (Finance 3.0) to the current situation of the financial industry and makes the relevant trends tangible and malleable.
  • It identifies the impact on business and operating models and employees of financial service providers and enables organizations and people to develop forward-looking response and adaptation concepts by developing future-oriented guard rails.

Through Digitisation we enable our clients to put Data and AI at the core of their business, driving competitive advantage.

  • We reduce costs with third parties by up to 15%.
  • We select the correct digital and AI solutions.
  • We deliver transformation.
  • We enhance Risk Management Capability.